I’m passionate about exploring deep questions that don’t necessarily have clear, neatly packaged answers. I relish the process of transforming broad problems into rigorously precise questions, and ultimately, into actionable solutions.
Two seemingly unrelated fields fascinate me: Design and Cognitive-Behavioral Sciences. To me, it is clear that these two fields are deeply interconnected on the most fundamental level:
Design is a process of distilling insights from research and articulating those insights into objects, spaces, or interactions that fulfill the design's intended purpose.
Behavioral Science, which transects disciplines such as cultural anthropology and philosophy on one end and neuroscience and psychology on the other, provides the bedrock of understanding on which any human-centered design should be based.
The design process itself subsumes many research methodologies. However, formalizing my understanding and application of cognitive-behavioral research methodologies gives me a more effective perspective of how to infuse my creative process with more rigorously valid insights and a deeper understanding of human thought and behavior.
My greatest passion is exploring and understanding how our behavior emerges from the interaction of our psychology, our culture, and the dynamic world around us. In exposing the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of what we do, think, and feel, it is possible to formulate more precise and meaningful strategies that can inform the way products, spaces, and experiences are designed.
I whole heartedly believe that design is, in part, a projection of our own psychology. Great design serves as a bridge between the inner world of our minds and the problems we face in the extended, experienced world outside. Beyond this, I'm deeply interested in how innovations in technology and interaction design can illuminate how we make decisions, how we interact with others, and how we construct meaning from our experiences.
My goal is to develop engaging designs that are not only beautiful, instill feelings of delight, but also make people’s lives easier and more enjoyable. The best path to accomplishing this goal is knowing how to leverage relevant insights from rigorous research as well as a deep understanding of how our behavior emerges from our feelings, decisions, and most importantly, our observable actions.